About Us
In 1992 the Central Texas College Foundation was formed as a charitable non-profit corporation to generate community support for the students, faculty, staff and programs of CTC. A staff of three assists the Foundation in accomplishing their mission. You can find out about others who support us in our efforts and ways you can join us in our continued quest for the very best educational institution in Texas here at the website. If you find our programs of interest, please use the Foundation pages to explore ways you can help. Or come visit us in the Administration Building (Bldg. 204) on Bell Tower Drive.
Phone: 254-526-1662
Office hours:
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday
7:30 - 11:30 a.m. on Friday
Location: Administration Building (Bldg. 204), Room 107
Mailing address:
Central Texas College Foundation
P.O. Box 1800
Killeen, Texas 76540-1800
Valerie Payson, Director - College Development/CTC Foundation
Wendy Martel, Coordinator - College Development/CTC Foundation