Applicants must meet TCOLE minimum requirements for licensing as well as CTC's standards for entrance. See TCOLE Rule 217.1 for a complete list of minimum requirements at
No Class B misdemeanor conviction in the past 10 years (waiver through the TCOLE commission required between five-year conviction date and 10-year anniversary) NOTE: No waiver will be granted by the CTC Police Academy.
No Class A misdemeanor convictions in the past 10 years (waiver required through the TCOLE commission and specific to agency who is sponsoring student) NOTE: No waiver will be granted by the CTC Police Academy.
No felony convictions.
No conviction of any family violence offense.
Possess a high school diploma, GED or home school diploma.
You must not be prohibited from operating a motor vehicle.
You must not be prohibited by state or federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition.
You must not have been discharged from military service under dishonorable or bad conduct conditions.
No controlled substance use for 24 months prior to application without a valid prescription.
Any applicant that tests positive for a controlled substance within the preceding 24 months will not be eligible for admittance in the academy.
If an agency that hires a cadet withdraws their sponsorship, that cadet will be dismissed from the academy. If there are no other factors involved, cadets dismissed for loss of sponsorship will be eligible for the next available academy.
Physical training during the academy is mandatory
Police Academy Admission Requirements
All applicants to the CTC Police Academy must meet special admission requirements as established by the Central Texas College Protective Service Department. All applicants must be at least 21 years of age before completion of the 736-hour academy unless you meet the requirements to attend between the ages 18 to 21. See TCOLE rules for more information,
Applicants must complete application packet from the Central Texas College Protective Service Department. The packet will be available prior to beginning of the academy via a link on the main academy page.
All applicants will have to take the physical fitness test prior to being accepted into the academy. This test consists of rowing 2,000 meters for time on a Concept II rowing machine. The VO2 max percentage to enter the academy is 25 percent. The required time to complete this test is based on the applicants age, weight and sex. See attached file in order to determine what time you have to complete this test.
During the last week of the academy, cadets will be required to take a second rowing test which will count as a test grade. This exam will be included with your overall grade. Failure to pass this exam will not be grounds for dismissal. However, cadets who fail to pass this with a grade of 70 or higher, will not be eligible for any awards such as “Top Gun,” “Academic Honors,” “Top Gear” or “Class President.” Cadets who row 50 percent VO2 max will receive a test grade of 70. One grade point is added for every percentage of your VO2 max score above 50 percent or detracted for scores below 50 percent. A cadet that has a 60 percent VO2 max will receive a test grade of 80. If a cadet has a 45 percent VO2 max, will receive a grade of 65.
The following documents are required with the application packet:
A copy of the applicants valid Texas driver license.
Original certified copy of birth certificate or proof of U.S. citizenship.
A copy of Social Security card.
A copy of high school diploma, GED or home school diploma.
Official college transcript(s), if any.
Photo copy of college degree, if any.
A copy of current proof of automobile liability insurance.
*We ask that applicants schedule an appointment. We appreciate your patience during this time as we try accommodate everyone during this time.*
Academy Registration:
Full-time Basic Peace Officer Academy:
Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am - 6 pm, 24 weeks, 736 hours of TCOLE mandated hours, plus additional hours for ASP, OC and Physical Training.
Fill out and submit electronically to Enrollment Management.
Pay Tuition and Fees