Emergency Alerts
When an emergency occurs, our Emergency Alert system will send e-mail, text messages and voice messages to students and employees in as little as 90 seconds.
Applicable situations
Emergency alerts will be sent in situations requiring unscheduled closure or evacuation of a campus or campus facility. This includes weather closures, power outages, police emergencies, catastrophes and/or hazardous exposures. Familiarize yourself with the examples of sirens and message types that we broadcast. The system may also be used in the event of significant road construction or traffic congestion. In addition to sirens and on-campus messaging, our emergency alert system will be used to email, call or text students, faculty and staff regarding emergency situations. The alert system will not be used for promotional purposes or for scheduled closures such as holidays.
Make sure YOU receive notifications
Texas law requires ALL students, faculty and staff be automatically opted-in to receive notifications.
When you receive initial notification of your Eagle Alerts account, you should log into Eagle Self Service to verify and update your contact information to include any email addresses or phone numbers that you wish to be notified.
Changes and updates can be made at any time via Eagle Self Service, and you may add multiple cell or voice numbers or e-mail addresses. The subscription is free but standard text message charges from your cell phone provider will apply.
To update your contact information:
- Login to Eagle Self-Service at https://student.ctcd.org.
- Review and update the information available by selecting "User Options" from the left navigation bar and clicking on "User Profile."
In addition to our Emergency Alert System, you can stay informed with the latest campus alerts and events by calling 254-501-3100 or following us on Twitter or Facebook.
Contact the IT Help Desk for login assistance or to be removed from the alert list.