Audio Recording Lectures Policy
Audio Recording Lectures Policy:
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) states: “A recipient may not impose upon handicapped students other rules, such as the prohibition of tape recorders in classrooms or of dog guides in campus buildings, that have the effect of limiting the participation of handicapped students in the recipient’s education program or activity.”
The accommodation of use of an audio recording device to record class lectures allows students with disabilities to have an equal chance to receive and process information presented in class by supporting their notetaking needs. This accommodation is approved on an individual basis based on the student’s disability. Methods for making an audio recording in the classroom may include the following: an audio recording device such as a tape recorder or the use of recording software on a laptop/smart phone (use of cell phones might not be appropriate for certain classes - DSS will discuss with instructors to determine if this device can or cannot be used - if use of phone is denied, student will use a tape recorder). Use of this accommodation is subject to ALL the following policies:
- Recordings of any/all class lectures are only for the student’s personal use in study and preparation related to the class.
- This accommodation is not an approval to recording personal conversations with instructors, students or other staff members outside of normal classroom lectures or beyond note taking purposes for class lectures.
- Students may not share any of these recordings with any other individuals, including individuals in their classes.
- Students approved for this accommodation acknowledges that the recordings are deemed sources, the use of which in any academic work is governed by rules of academic conduct at Central Texas College and applicable federal copyright laws. All class lectures as presented are the intellectual property of the class instructors, and comments made by classmates are their own intellectual property.
- Students agree and are required to destroy any/all recordings that were made with this accommodation when they are no longer needed for their academic work.
- Students who have been approved to record audio class lectures as an accommodation are required to abide by each of these policies. Failure to comply with these policies may result in the loss of this accommodation and appropriate disciplinary action by the college. Audio recording outside of the typical classroom experience (including fieldwork, internships, clinicals, and etc.) will need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with DSS, class instructors, programs, and site location as appropriate.
If an instructor objects to the use of a recording device, it is typically because they maintain that their right to privacy of information discussed in the classroom is being violated or because there is a concern about a breach of copyright. However, the instructor’s right to privacy or concern over copyright does not override the student’s right to accommodation. For more information on the rights of students approved for Audio Recording Lectures, please see the Office for Civil Rights – Q & A Regarding Audio Recording
Instructors may require students to sign an agreement between the instructor and student that details the specific use of class lecture recordings and disposal of recordings when the purpose of the recordings have been fulfilled. DSS can assist instructors with such an agreement if needed. If recording class lectures involving a sensitive subject, such as self-disclosure, personal reflection, or confidential discussions from students or presenters that are not appropriate subject matter for any student to be taking notes, then it would be appropriate to make a general announcement to the class and ask all students to stop note-taking in addition to turning off any recording devices. Instructors that have questions or concerns regarding the recording of their class discussions, or the nature of the information presented and discussed, please contact the DSS office.