Military Credentialing Programs - Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

Prepare for the ISC2 CCSP certification exam with the Certified Cloud Security Professional course and lab. The ISC2 CCSP course offers a solid foundation for taking and passing the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) exam.

Program Description

The lab simulates real-world, hardware, software and command line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course or training. The course and lab are focused on the ISC2 CCSP exam objectives and include topics such as architectural concepts and design requirements; cloud data security, cloud platform and infrastructure security; cloud application security, operations, and legal and compliance.

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Program Location and Duration

Online, 100 hours, 12 months access, self-paced

Program Cost

$1,249 with exam voucher

Additional Program Information

  • This course prepares the student to take the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification exam.
  • Exam voucher is included in cost of tuition.

Program MOS

26A, 26B, 26Z, 70D, E6, 25B, 25U, 255A, 255N, 255S, 255Z

Program Careers

Computer and Mathematical

Contact Info

Continuing Education, 254-526-1586