Course Materials Search by start date

For a course with a class start date of Aug. 2024 - Jul. 2025.

Technical requirements (computer hardware and software)

Financial Aid Bookstore Charging

Bookstore charging may only be processed through the official CTC Bookstore on Central Campus or online at

Notification: All CTC students enrolled in credit classes worldwide will receive a CTC student email account. This email is a permanent and free student email address, and all official electronic communication from CTC will be sent to this new email account!

*All official electronic communication from the Financial Aid department will be sent to your EagleMail account.


    Did You Know?

    1) Some courses require special CD-ROM materials and access codes that can only be purchased through the CTC Bookstore or MBS, our international book supplier. Utilizing the Course Materials Search Tool will determine if your course requires a package or bundle.

    2) An exam monitoring system called BioSight-ID is used in Blackboard for online testing. During testing, students must have a webcam (preferred) or cell phone camera (requires an app). The service is available 24/7 on any device and does not require the use of a proctor or scheduling service. Student privacy will be protected through the use of blurred faces and secure transmission. For more information, visit BioSight-ID Student Overview.