Pregnant/Parenting Students
Pregnant/Parenting Students
Central Texas College policy prohibits the discrimination of students who are pregnant and/or parenting. This includes harassment and discrimination against a student based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or lactation, as well as any related medical conditions or recovery therefrom. "Parenting student" means a student who is the parent or legal guardian of a child under 18 years of age.
Texas Education Code Section 51.982: Protections for Pregnant and Parenting Students:
An institution of higher education may not require a pregnant or parenting student, solely because of the student’s status as a pregnant or parenting student or due to issues related to the student’s pregnancy or parenting, to:
• Take a leave of absence or withdraw from the student’s degree or certificate program;
• Limit the student’s studies;
• Participate in an alternative program;
• Change the student’s major, degree, or certificate program; or
• Refrain from joining or cease participating in any course, activity, or program at the institution.
An institution of higher education shall, for reasons related to a student’s pregnancy, childbirth, or any resulting medical status or condition:
• Excuse absences related to a student's pregnancy or childbirth without a doctor's certification that such absence is necessary for the greater of three school days in a term or semester or the maximum number of excused absences that the institution would grant to another student enrolled in the same course for any reason. The institution may require medical documentation of medically necessary absences when absences exceed the maximum allowed absences for a course. An institution may ensure that the total number of excused absences does not result in a fundamental alteration to an essential program requirement or conflict with federal law or accreditation standards.
• Allow a student a reasonable time to make up or complete any assignments or assessments missed due to such an excused absence consistent with the institution's policy regarding excused absences and make up work.
• An institution shall provide a student with access to all course materials that are made available to a student with a temporary medical condition. This may include instructional materials, laboratory access, and recordings of class lectures, depending on the circumstances.
• An institution shall provide any other reasonable accommodations to a pregnant student, including accommodations that:
(A) would be provided to a student with a temporary medical condition; or
(B) are related to the health and safety of the student and the student's unborn child.
Leave of Absence for Pregnant or Parenting Students:
An institution shall permit but not require a parenting or pregnant student to take a leave of absence related to a student's pregnancy or parenting status for a minimum of one semester without a showing of medical need.
An institution shall make every reasonable effort to facilitate leave for pregnant and parenting students within their degree program's curriculum and accreditation requirements. A student taking a leave of absence under this section may be taken with the advanced approval of the student's department or the designated office(s) by the institution.
An institution shall ensure that a student in good academic standing at the time a leave of absence commences may return to their degree or certificate program in good academic standing, not be required to reapply for admission so long as the program still exists at the institution and the program would still meet accreditation standards. The institution may require that the student fulfills revised requirements of the program if the program in effect when the student returns has changed.
A student taking a leave of absence due to pregnancy or parenting shall meet with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships prior to beginning leave of absence to receive information on financial impacts.
In accordance with these protections, DSS provides supportive measures/accommodations based on the student’s needs resulting from pregnancy and/or parenting when necessary to prevent discrimination and ensure equal access to education, programs and activities.
Students seeking information about pregnancy/parenting related resources, pregnancy/parenting related accommodations, or seeking a leave of absence due to pregnancy/parenting must self-identify and make the request to the Pregnancy/Parent Liaisons, Dr. Christy Shank, at (254-526-1195) or Bea Tinsay at (254-526-1357). Pregnancy/parenting related accommodations are NOT retroactive.
The Liaison can also provide students information regarding support services and other resources available to the students at the institution, including:
1. Resources to access:
a. Medical and behavioral health coverage and services; and
b. Public benefit programs, including programs related to food security, affordable housing, and housing subsidies;
2. Parenting and child care resources;
3. Employment resources;
4. Transportation assistance;
5. Student academic success strategies; and
6. Any other resources developed by the institution to assist the students.
Please see Campus & Community Resources for additional support.
For more information on Title IX pregnancy laws, please visit the following link:
Students may file a grievance with the Title IX Coordinator, Larry Murphy at or call 254-501-3028. Complaints should be filed within 10 days of the perceived violation to ensure a timely investigation of the grievance.