Student Success Is An Important Part Of Our Mission!
In order to quantify how well Central Texas College (CTC) is meeting student and community needs the college and the State of Texas continuously collect data on critical measures. This data is then compiled into reports that are available to the public. Below you will find links to reports generated by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Includes reports on 60x30TX progress and performance measures. Reports use data submitted by CTC and other Texas higher education institutions, which creates comparison metrics. To learn more about Central Texas College's data, you can access the THECB website at
Online Institutional Resume includes data for CTC and its peer group. Resumes are created for two different audiences: Prospective students, parents and the public Legislators and other policymakers.
THECB Accountability System includes reports on the performance of higher education institutions based on goals outlined in the state's higher education strategic plan, 60x30TX. These goals include measures on an educated population, student completion, marketable skills, and student debt.
THECB Annual Licensure Report provides licensure and certification examination results and can be used to assess the effectiveness of vocational education programs at CTC.
Developmental Education Accountability Measures Data Report provides data for Texas public two-year and four-year institutions by cohort. These reports focus primarily on students who successfully complete a college-level math, reading and writing, as well as fall-to-fall persistence.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Data Feedback Reports are intended to provide institutions with a context for examining the data annually. IPEDS collects institution-level data on student enrollment, graduation rates, student charges, program completions, faculty, staff, and finances.
National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP). Voluntary reporting to external associations and initiatives including but not limited to NCCBP. These reports provide data for persistence, retention, transfer rates, graduation rates, and developmental success.
Central Texas College provides accessible, equitable and quality educational opportunities that promote student success, completion and employability.
Central Texas College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees. Central Texas College may also offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Central Texas College may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information on SACSCOC's website (
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