Testing Services
Welcome to the Central Texas College (CTC) Testing Department.
Important Dates:
Closed: Monday, Feb. 17th, 2025 (Presidents' Day)
CTC Live Testing Center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rutsPwQflNM
- Office hours: Monday - Thursday 7:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (TSI testing)
- By appointments (based on space availability).
- Call: 254-526-1194/1520 or
- Email: testing.clerk@ctcd.edu
- Location (Central Campus): Student Services - Bldg. 215, Room 233
- Students are admitted into the testing building 10 minutes before their appointment.
- There is a dress code we will enforce while testing.
- No hats, jackets, coats, hoodies and/or other head coverings (unless for religious purposes).
- Clothing or other items displaying obscene and/or offensive remarks and/or gestures are prohibited.
- Wedding bands are the only acceptable jewelry allowed. No exceptions.
- No food and/or drink allowed in the testing center. No exceptions.
- Students arriving late will not be accepted.
- Anyone under the age of 17 must be signed in by Parent or Guardian and they must stay in the area until testing is completed by student.
What do you need to do or bring?
- Bring your current (not-expired) official photo identification.
- Original and valid (not-expired) government-issued identification is required.
- Acceptable identification documents include (Any other identification not listed will be accepted)
- passport with photo and signature
- state identification issued by motor vehicle agency with photo and signature
- permanent resident card (green card) with photo and signature
- military identification with photo and signature
- Original and valid (not-expired) government-issued identification is required.
- Bring two copies of your receipt of payment from the Student Finance Services before testing.
- Do not bring personal items into the building. (Exception: keys, cell phone and photo ID(s).
How do you pay?
- Acceptable payment is by credit or debit card through the Student Finance Services by calling 254-526-1217 (Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
- Standard proctoring fee is $25 and all testing administrative fees are non-refundable.
- The exams with these fees include CLEP, TSI, TCEQ, TCOLE and exams from other colleges. (Note: All appointments must be made 48 hours in advance.)