Student Discipline
Student Discipline
Students are admitted to Central Texas College for the purpose of educational, social and personal enhancement. Each student has rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities, as prescribed by State and Federal Constitutions and statutes and policies of the Board of Trustees of the Institution. These rights and responsibilities are outlined in the official CTC Student Handbook.
Students who do not adhere to Central Texas College disciplinary policies outlined in the student handbook will be subject to disciplinary action.
If disciplinary action is taken, a student will be afforded due process and the right to appeal. Details can be found in the CTC Student Handbook, available in the Office of Student Life or online at
On some occasions it will be necessary for a faculty member, advisor, or administrative official to contact an individual student. Any student receiving a summons must respond promptly as requested. A summons may take the form of a call from class or a notice by mail. Failure to respond to a summons renders the student subject to disciplinary action.
Hazing and Disruptive Activities
Central Texas College enforces the Texas state laws prohibiting hazing, disruptive activities, or disruption of lawful assemblies on CTC property. Information regarding these prohibited activities appears in the official Student Handbook, available to regularly enrolled students at orientation sessions, in the Office of Student Life, or online at
Falsification of Records
Students who knowingly falsify Central Texas College records, or who knowingly submit any falsified records to CTC, are subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension and expulsion from CTC.