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For information about our Programs:

Orientation and CASAS Assessment are by appointment only.


To get started you must first attend the orientation, which is held twice a month on Thursdays in the Clear Creek building (Bldg. 559), Room 151/152. We discuss how the program works and what your next steps will be. If you decide that our program is a good fit for you we will help you fill out the enrollment forms, and provide information about CASAS assessment, and Success Academy days and hours.

CASAS Assessment

The second step is to take the CASAS assessment. This is a tool we use to help determine your skills level so we can place you in the correct class. It is not pass/fail test.

Success Academy

The third step is to attend the Success Academy. In the Success Academy you will learn the skills to help you succeed in your classes. Three days, four hours each day for a total of 12 hours. At the end of the Success Academy we will place you in your HSE/ESL classes.

Contact us at 254-526-1120 for more information


Our Programs