TSI, HESI, and Standardized Testing Accommodations
We understand that each student is unique, and we are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for a fair testing experience. Here's how to request accommodations for TSI, HESI testing or Standardized testing:
TSI and HESI Overview:
The student must provide required documentation to the college. DSS will review the submitted documentation to decide on suitable accommodation(s), according to college’s policies and federal/state disability laws.
- HESI is a state assessment More info on HESI.
- TSI is an untimed assessment for math, reading, and writing skills (generally, extra testing time isn't needed as it is untimed). More info on TSI. Also see Texas Success Initiative Assessment, 2.0 (TSIA2) Accommodations Guidelines for Students with Documented Disabilities
- DSS cannot modify TSI or HESI test sections or grading.
Requesting Accommodations:
All TSI/HESI accommodation requests must be made at least 4 weeks before the test date to allow DSS adequate time to review the request and arrange appropriate accommodations, if approved.
Complete and submit the Request for TSI/ HESI Testing Accommodations (specify HESI test type) to the DSS office via fax at 254-526-1700 or email the Director of Disability Support Services at christy.shank@ctcd.edu. You must include all the listed information below or DSS cannot accept the documentation.
A signed statement on an official letterhead by a qualified professional whose license/credentials are appropriate to diagnose the disability.
A diagnosis of the disability or disabilities for which testing accommodations are being requested and summary of tests (and test results) that were used to determine the diagnosis.
Recommended test accommodations determined by the evaluating professional that are specifically related to the disability and are reasonable within the context of the TSI and rationale for the test accommodation.
Special Case - State Certificate of Blindness/Deafness:
*If you have a state certificate of blindness/deafness, no further documentation is needed. Mention this on your accommodation request form and provide copy of certificate to DSS.
After submission, you'll receive a response via email on approval or denial of accommodations before the TSI/HESI test date. Approval is not guaranteed by submitting the request and providing documentation.
✱For other CTC standardized tests, submit necessary medical documentation and complete the Standardized Testing Accommodation Form at least 4 weeks before the test date.
Contact Information:
- Email: dss@ctcd.edu
- Front Office Phone: 254-501-3006
Accommodations for National Exams, including ACT or SAT, must be made to the individual testing agency by the test taker then coordinated with DSS.