Closed Circuit TV Monitoring
The Central Texas College District is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating effective practices of policing by the use of closed circuit television (CCTV) monitoring and recording. It is recognized CCTV can be an effective crime prevention program when it is part of a broader crime prevention and community safety strategy.
The Central Texas College (CTC) Police department oversees and coordinates the use of CCTV in sensitive areas on campus. Campus police also use CCTV to monitor public areas in order to deter crime and to assist the school in providing for the safety and security of individuals and property belonging to the college district.
Video monitoring for security purposes will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner. Monitoring individuals based on characteristics of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected classification is prohibited. Monitoring will be based on suspicious behavior, not individual characteristics. Information obtained through video monitoring will be used exclusively for safety, security, and law enforcement purposes. Recorded images will be stored in a secure location with access by authorized staff members only.
Signage giving notice of CTC's possible CCTV monitoring of public areas may be posted as deemed necessary to enhance the crime prevention value of the CCTV system but is not required. The lack of signage in areas under surveillance does not justify violating campus rules and regulations or state, federal, or local laws.
CCTV systems are used regularly in the hallways and common areas of the dormitory and in any area on campus deemed “sensitive” by the CTC administration. An area may be considered sensitive by the nature of the college property or monies stored in or in use in the area under surveillance. Students and staff entering certain sensitive locations on campus may have an increased concern for privacy or confidentiality, however, the use of CCTV systems in those areas are a necessity for the preservation and protection of college-owned property and assets.
Information obtained through video surveillance will only be released when authorized by the CTCD general counsel, CTC administration, or chief of police. Excluded from release are those tapes directly related to a criminal investigation, arrest, or subpoena. Those recorded devices which are no longer needed for criminal justice or administrative purposes will be destroyed or electronically erased.
Closed circuit television and Web camera surveillance on campus is consistent with the highest standards, protections and compliance with all federal, state and local laws.