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Child Development

Welcome to our Child Development Program

Economic, social and education changes have made group child care a way of life for today's families. Because of these critical demands, many new opportunities are available in the child development field. CTC's Child Development program provides students with the needed skills and academic training to meet these demands. Childcare professions are growing rapidly as society recognizes the importance of the early childhood years in shaping a child's intellectual abilities.

Childcare professions may be for you if you enjoy working around children, have strong communication skills and a sense of humor, like new challenges, and are patient and comfortable working with different types of people. Childcare professionals perform a wide variety of tasks depending upon the specific child services area they pursue. Potential careers for individuals with this degree could include childcare workers, pre-school teachers and teacher assistants.

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Child Development Course Descriptions

Click on Schedule Locations to see what Central Texas College Europe locations are offering this course for this term and the next few terms.

Please Note. Courses, regardless of their delivery method, may have an electronic component.

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