CE - Financial Aid
Contact Us
Phone: 254-526-1586
Email: continue.education@ctcd.edu
6200 W Central Texas ExpresswayBuilding 559
Killeen TX 76549
Other Locations: Marble Falls
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CTC is a proud participant in the MyCAA program and offers a number of high-quality, education programs to help prepare you for high-growth, high-demand (in-demand), portable career fields. The Department of Defense (DoD) Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of financial assistance to eligible military spouses of active-duty service members in pay grades E1-E5, W1-W2, and O1-O2. They must be pursuing a license, certification or associate’s degree in a portable career field and occupation.
Visit Continuing Education's office on CTC Killeen campus in building 136 room 139 to register and pay for class with your FA Form. Please note that MyCAA does not cover the cost of books and additional supplies.
For additional information, see the CTC MyCAA webpage!
Check out some of our quality self-paced, online classes!
NOTE: The MyCAA program does not include Coast Guard spouses. Please review the MyCAA FAQs provided by the DoD for more program information including those items (fees, instructional materials, etc.) not covered by MyCAA.